▶️How to Embed a YouTube Playlist in Blogger & WordPress website

Friends, if you are looking for How to Embed a YouTube Playlist in Blogger & WordPress website then you are at the right place, now you do not need to go anywhere else because in today’s post I will tell you in such an easy way that you can easily understand. Will also come and you can understand it and apply it also.

How to Embed a YouTube Playlist in Blogger & WordPress website

So this is going to be a very easy way, you can easily add YouTube playlist in any of your blogger website or WordPress website.

What is Embed a YouTube Playlist in Blogger & WordPress website

Friends, we call it a playlist on YouTube. When we add a playlist of YouTube videos to any of our websites or in any blog post, we call it Embed a YouTube Playlist.

And by doing this, if you have created your YouTube channel, then you can show the playlist of YouTube videos in your Blogger website or WordPress website.

How to Embed a YouTube Playlist in Blogger & WordPress website

So friends, now I am going to tell you step by step how you can easily embed a YouTube Playlist in Blogger in your Blogger or WordPress website. So let us know.

Step 1:- Get the Playlist Link:

  • Open YouTube and navigate to the playlist you want to embed.
  • Click the Share button under the playlist or copy the URL from the browser’s address bar. Example playlist URL:



Generate Embed Code:

  • Replace the playlist_id in the following embed code with your playlist’s ID (everything after list= in the URL):
<iframe width="560" height="315" 
title="YouTube playlist" 
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" 

For example, if your playlist URL is:


Step 2:- Replace PLAYLIST_ID with PLxyz12345:

<iframe width="560" height="315" 
title="YouTube playlist" 
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" 


So friends, by now you must have seen How to Embed a YouTube Playlist in Blogger & WordPress website, then you have to tell by commenting whether you liked today’s post, if you did not understand anything or you are facing any problem.

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