How To Add Reading Progress Bar In Blogger (2025) updated!

Friends, if you are looking for How to Add Reading Progress Bar in Blogger then you have come to the right place, now you do not need to go anywhere else because no one has told you the easy way that I am going to tell you in this post, but you You have to stay for some more time and do whatever I tell you.

How to Add Reading Progress Bar in Blogger

After that, you will be able to put a nice reading progress bar in your blogger website, which looks very good, then you will definitely like the post and if you have any friend, then you can also share this post with him.

So that if he has a website, he can also show the coolness of his website and also enhance his user experience.

What is Reading Progress Bar in Blogger?

Friends, we call it Reading Progress Bar in Blogger in which whenever we scroll down our website, an upper side reading progress bar will appear. Due to which the user experience becomes much better and the website also looks very beautiful, hence everyone should customize their Blogger website, then we call it Reading Progress Bar in Blogger.

How to Add Reading Progress Bar in Blogger?

Friends, now I am going to tell you how you can easily install reading progress bar in your local website, which will make your website look much better, so let us know these easiest step by step methods.

Step 1:- You go to your blogger’s dashboard.

Step 2:- Now select “Theme section”and  go to customize with “Edit HTML”

Step 3:-  Now Search </body> tag using Ctrl + F

Step 4:- Copy the below code and paste the above of </body> tag.

<script>window.onscroll = function() {myFunction()};function myFunction(){var winScroll = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;var height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight;var scrolled = (winScroll / height) * 100;document.getElementById(&quot;myBar&quot;).style.width = scrolled + &quot;%&quot;;}</script>

Step 5:-  Css paste it Above the “]]></b:skin>” After the Search


Step 6:-  Paste html code just below <body> (some template this tag be with class or schema, so search for only <body> )

<div class='progress-container'><div class='progress-bar' id='myBar'/></div>

if you want to show the progress bar in posts only



So friends, by now you must have seen How to Add Reading Progress Bar in Blogger which has been explained in a very easy way in this post, so now you must tell by commenting.

So that more and more people can know how easily any post on our website is commenited to the user, which will improve the user experience and those who are troubled by searching, it becomes easier for them to read on their Blogger website. to install progress bar

And if possible, share this post with your friends as much as possible and to see such content, you can also remember the name of our website mindsetblogging4u.

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