How to add HEART Click effect on Blogger❤️👆🖱️

Friends, if you are looking for how to add HEART Click effect on Blogger, then you have come to the right place. Now you do not need to go anywhere else. By doing this, you can make your Blogger website much more interesting and much more user engaged. You can easily apply the HEART click effect by

How to add HEART Click effect on Blogger

So friends, it is present in the websites of very few people, but the user experience of those who have it in their website increases a lot and by using such a unique heart click effect, you can make your website more attractive.

What is Adding Colorful Heart Effect on Blog?

Friends, we call it Colorful Heart Effect on Blog in which whenever we click anywhere on our blogger website, we get to see a Colorful Heart Effect due to which our website looks very different from others and the user experience also becomes very good. So, after knowing such new features, you can apply them in your blogger website.

How to add Colorful Heart Effect on Blogger?

So friends, now I will tell you how you can easily apply colorful heart effect in your blogger website, which is very easy and step by step I have told you in the steps given below, so just follow them and create a colorful heart effect in your blogger website. If you want to apply on the website then let us know how to do it.


Step 1:- You go to your blogger’s dashboard.

Step 2:- Now select “Theme section”and  go to customize with “Edit HTML”

Step 3:-  Now Search </body> tag using Ctrl + F

Step 4:- Copy the below code and paste the above of </body> tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
!function(e,t,a){function n(){c(".heart{width: 10px;height: 10px;position: fixed;background: #f00;transform: rotate(45deg);-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);-moz-transform: rotate(45deg);}.heart:after,.heart:before{content: '';width: inherit;height: inherit;background: inherit;border-radius: 50%;-webkit-border-radius: 50%;-moz-border-radius: 50%;position: fixed;}.heart:after{top: -5px;}.heart:before{left: -5px;}"),o(),r()}function r(){for(var e=0;e<d.length;e++)d[e].alpha<=0?(t.body.removeChild(d[e].el),d.splice(e,1)):(d[e].y--,d[e].scale+=.004,d[e].alpha-=.013,d[e]"left:"+d[e].x+"px;top:"+d[e].y+"px;opacity:"+d[e].alpha+";transform:scale("+d[e].scale+","+d[e].scale+") rotate(45deg);background:"+d[e].color+";z-index:99999");requestAnimationFrame(r)}function o(){var t="function"==typeof e.onclick&&e.onclick;e.onclick=function(e){t&&t(),i(e)}}function i(e){var a=t.createElement("div");a.className="heart",d.push({el:a,x:e.clientX-5,y:e.clientY-5,scale:1,alpha:1,color:s()}),t.body.appendChild(a)}function c(e){var a=t.createElement("style");a.type="text/css";try{a.appendChild(t.createTextNode(e))}catch(t){a.styleSheet.cssText=e}t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)}function s(){return"rgb("+~~(255*Math.random())+","+~~(255*Math.random())+","+~~(255*Math.random())+")"}var d=[];e.requestAnimationFrame=function(){return e.requestAnimationFrame||e.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||e.mozRequestAnimationFrame||e.oRequestAnimationFrame||e.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(e){setTimeout(e,1e3/60)}}(),n()}(window,document);

Step 5:-  In next step save the theme.


So friends, you must have seen the method I told you about How to add HEART Click effect on Blogger, then you have to comment and tell us how you liked our given methods in this post so that more and more people can find out by looking at your comment.

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