How To Add Facebook Page To Blogger ⓕ ƒ

Friends, if you are looking for How To Add Facebook Page To Blogger then you have come to the right place, in today’s post I will show you a very easy method which anyone can easily add to their Blogger website and now you will not have to go anywhere else. Not required

How To Add Facebook Page To Blogger

Because in today’s post you will get to see the easiest way to add Facebook Page To Blogger, which no one has told you in any other post, so you just have to stay tuned for more, after this post you will easily You will be able to add any of your Facebook pages to your Blogger website.

What is Facebook Page To Blogger?

Friends, we call it Facebook Page To Blogger in which by adding our Facebook page to our Blogger website, we can easily send some audience coming to our website to our Facebook page. We call it Facebook Page To Blogger.

And it has many benefits if you set up a Facebook page on your blogger website. By doing this you can bring your audience to your Facebook page, using which whenever you post something, you can share the post on your Facebook page. If you do, you can reach that audience easily.

How To Add Facebook Page To Blogger?

So friends, now I will tell you step by step, which is a very easy method, such that anyone can use it, which you will also understand easily, in this way, now I have told you at the bottom of this post, so let us know.

Step 1:- Go to the this website official facebook website “Click Here

Step 2:- Now go to your facebook page and copy your facebook page url.

Step 3:- Paste the link  of your fb page url in official facebook website.

Step 4:- After paste the link you click on get code button.

Step 5:- You will get embed code of your facebook page.


<iframe src="" width="340" height="500" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>

Step 6:- You go to your blogger’s dashboard.

Step 7:- After that click on Layout Section.

Step 8:- click on “add a gadget” and choose “html code” in right side.

Step 9:- Paste your embed facebook page code.

Step 10:- Now save and you can see you website again.


Friends, till now you might not have done How To Add Facebook Page To Blogger, so now you will have to tell by commenting how you liked today’s post so that more and more people can see your comment and believe that this post is very easy. is told from

And every person has understood it and for those who have not understood it, I have also provided a video in each post below, so if you want to watch the video then you must watch it.

And if possible, share this post with your friends as much as possible and to see similar content, you can also remember the name of our website mindsetblogging4u.

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