How To Add Ads Txt In Blogger || Ads.txt for Blogger Sites

Friends, if you are looking for how to add ads txt in blogger then you have come to the right place, now you do not need to go anywhere else because in today’s post I have told you the easy way to create your blogger website. The easy way to place add text in

how to add ads txt in blogger

So as you must know what is ads txt which is not very difficult but very easy and if you do not know then let me tell you.

What Is Add Ads Txt In Blogger?

Friends, we call it ads txt when we apply our blogger website for Google Adsense and when we get the approval of Google Adsense, then we are provided ads txt by Google which we can use by installing it in our blogger website. Verification has to be done, that is what we call ads txt.

How To Add Ads Txt In Blogger?

So friends, as I told you, it is very easy to install ads txt in blogger website, so let us know the step by step methods given below, you just have to follow the methods. custom ads.txt generator for blogger | ads.txt for blogger | how to add ads.txt file in blogger | custom ads.txt

Step 1:- Go to Blogger and log in with your Google account.

Step 2:- Go to Settings:

Step 3:- Select your blog and click “Settings” in the left menu.

Step 4:- Enable Custom Ads.txt:

Step 5:- Scroll to the “Monetization” section.

Step 6:- Turn on “Enable custom ads.txt” by toggling it.

Step 7:- Add “Ads.txt Code:”

Step 8:- A new option “Custom ads.txt” will appear. Click on it.

Step 9:- Paste the code provided by your ad network (e.g., Google AdSense).
Example for Google AdSense:, pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Step 10:- Replace pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your AdSense Publisher ID.

Step 11:- Save: Click Save to apply the changes.


lAST STEP:- Open   in your browser to confirm it’s working.

Done! Your ads.txt file is now added to your Blogger site. 😊


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